BC Emergency Alert: Evacuation Order for parts of Osoyoos and surrounding area due to wildfire. July 29, 2023.
On Saturday, June 29, 2023, at 2227, a BC Emergency Alert announcing an Evacuation Order was issued by the Town of Osoyoos and the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen due to wildfire. Impacted residents should evacuate the area immediately. An Evacuation Alert has also been issued for nearby areas (details below). BC Emergency Alert Message Evacuation…
Emergency Alert: Evacuation Order for Maxhamish Lake area due to wildfire. June 28, 2023.
This alert and order are no longer active. An Evacuation Order remains in place within the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality due to wildfire. Impacted residents should evacuate the area immediately. More information & map: Evacuation Order (PDF) Northern Rockies Regional Municipality updates: Twitter Facebook BC Wildfire Service fire location & status: Ittsi Creek wildfire On…
Emergency Alert: Evacuation Order for Peace River Regional District due to wildfire. June 06, 2023.
This Evacuation Order is still in effect. See updated wildfire information at: Current Wildfire Information in BC An Evacuation Order and a BC Emergency Alert have been issued by the Peace River Regional District due to wildfire. Impacted residents should evacuate the area immediately. More information & map: Evacuation Order and Evacuation Alert (PDF) Peace…
Emergency Alert: Evacuation Order for Stoddart Creek due to Wildfire. May 13, 2023.
The Evacuation order for Stoddard Creek is still active. See the Current Wildfire Information page for further updates. An Evacuation Order and a BC Emergency Alert have been issued by the Peace River Regional District due to the Stoddart Creek Wildfire. Impacted residents should evacuate the area immediately. More information & map: Evacuation Order (PDF)…
UPDATED: Evacuation Order for Goodlow due to wildfire. May 06, 2023.
This post is no longer being updated. Visit the Current Wildfire Information webpage for updates. Peace River Regional District updates: Twitter Facebook BC Wildfire Service fire location & status: Boundary Lake wildfire Resources What to expect during emergency evacuation How emergency alerts work in BC What to expect during a wildfire in BC