This event has expired.

Current Flooding Information in BC
Updated on
Current Situation
Flooding is occurring in parts of BC. For the most up to date information visit your Local Authority or First Nation website.
Evacuation Alerts RESCINDED in BC
The evacuation alerts issued in BC due to risk of flooding have been RESCINDED. The threat to life and safety has passed.

Village of Pemberton

Village of Pemberton
Arn Canal, Vine Rd, and Hwy 99 Mobile Home Park

Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD)
Flood Watches and Warnings
The River Forecast Centre is maintaining a Flood Watch for Sproat and Somass Rivers. The public is advised to stay clear of fast-flowing rivers and potentially unstable riverbanks.

Flood Watch: Sproat and Somass Rivers:
The River Forecast Centre is maintaining a Flood Watch for:
- Sproat and Somass Rivers
Visit the River Forecast Centre
Find updates on Flood Warnings and Advisories from the River Forecast Centre.
Understanding emergency events
Evacuation stages

Evacuation Alert
Be ready to leave on short notice.

Evacuation Order
You are at risk. Leave the area immediately.

Evacuation Rescind
The threat to life and safety has passed.
Links and resources

BC Wildfire Service
- Latest wildfire information and provincial fire bans.
- For updates on specific fire locations and status, review the BC Wildfire Fire List.
Wildfire evacuee guidance
Emergency evacuee guidance information for the public. Always follow the instructions of your Local Authority or First Nation.
- Latest travel and highway updates in BC.
- Find your regional DriveBC Twitter account.
Wildfire evacuee guidance
Information about services available for British Columbians who are experiencing anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges
Learn how to prepare for wildfires with resources from PreparedBC.
Links and Resources

Flood evacuee guidance
Emergency evacuee guidance information for the public. Always follow the instructions of your Local Authority or First Nation.
River Forecast Centre
For updates on Flood Warnings and Advisories in BC.
Latest travel and highway updates in BC.
Learn how to prepare for floods with resources from PreparedBC.