Minor Earthquake Felt: 3.4 M Earthquake Occurred Near Prince George, BC.

An earthquake has been lightly felt near Prince George, British Columbia. There are no reports of major damage or injuries and none are expected. More information is available from Natural Resources Canada.

Local Time: 15:07:30 PDT

Magnitude: 3.4 

Latitude: 53.65 North

Longitude: 122.94 West

Depth: 5.00 km

UT Date & Time: 2022/09/21; 22:07:30 UT

Important things to keep in mind:

  • Stay calm.
  • Check around you for any fallen objects, debris or broken glass. Move carefully.
  • Tune to your local radio or television station. If there is need for further action in your community, local authorities will provide the necessary instructions.
  • Do NOT call 9-1-1 to report the earthquake.
  • If you felt the earthquake, report it it here. Always reserve 9-1-1 for life safety issues.
  • Aftershocks could occur – continue to drop, cover and hold on whenever you feel one.

Preparing for earthquakes:

Earthquakes can’t be predicted. Take the following steps to stay safe:

For more information on how to prepare for earthquakes, visit PreparedBC.

Helpful links and resources: