Water Usage Restriction Order Extended

Village of McBride – Severe Drought

Updated on

January 19, 2024
9:30 am

Current Situation

On September 19, 2023, the Village of McBride declared a State of Local Emergency and issued a Water Usage Restriction Order.

The following water uses are not permitted:

  • Washing of vehicles, building exteriors, driveways and sidewalks (unless ordered by a regulatory authority)
  • Bulk water use, including filling swimming pools, hot tubs, garden ponds and fountains
  • Drip irrigation
  • Lawn and garden sprinkling
  • Outdoor hand watering

For more information, visit the Village of McBride Emergency Operations Centre website or the Village of McBride Facebook.

Learn more about current drought information, resources and response in B.C.

Additional Resources

Drought is a recurring climate event caused by combinations of low snow accumulation, hot and dry weather, or a delay in rainfall. Learn more about drought: