This event has expired.

Flood Watch ENDED for Kitimat and Kemano rivers
Updated on
Current situation
The River Forecast Centre has ENDED a Flood Watch for Kitimat River including tributaries (Little Wedeene River and Hirsch Creek) and other creeks in the region (Renegade Creek) and the Kemano River including tributaries in B.C.
Understanding emergency events
Evacuation stages
Flood advisory stages

High Streamflow Advisory
River levels are rising or are expected to rise rapidly. Major flooding is not expected. Minor flooding in low-lying areas is possible.

Flood Watch
River levels are rising and will approach or may exceed the river bank. Flooding may occur in areas near affected rivers.

Flood Warning
River levels have exceeded the river bank or will exceed the river bank soon. Flooding may occur in areas near affected rivers.
Links and resources

River Forecast Centre
Updates on current Flood Advisories in B.C.
Latest travel and highway updates in B.C. Find your regional DriveBC X (Twitter) account.
Environment and Climate Change Canada
View active weather alerts for B.C.
Learn how to prepare for floods with resources from PreparedBC.